Dancing to Emptiness

So, it was raining leaves this morning.

Yellow, curled leaves.

And because the wind was so still and the streets of Melbourne so quiet, they danced their way to the grass. In the centre of Victoria Parade.

As if knowing that moving comes from body.
And dancing, spinning and twirling comes from soul.

A final celebration of life and light before surrendering to the darkness of earth.

As the leaves rained down to the beat of my windscreen wipers, I noticed the magnificence of the naked trees. Strongly reaching outwards and upwards beyond the dance of the raining leaves.

As if reaching for the sky.

There is something exquisitely beautiful in emptiness.

With my eyes full of gold, I drove the quiet streets. Smiling from within.

With memories of last night.
When I caught up with the girls from school. Who have been supporting my reaching branches for such a long time.

We spent only 3 hours together. We schooled 3 years together. And we have danced and twirled and spun for nearly 3 decades together.

We met when things should have been simple, but were complex.
We meet up now when things should be so complex, but are really so simple.

Under my windscreen wipers, I danced through my time with these women. Under-age, over-age, hot pants, pyjama pants, in the shed, in the bin – and everywhere in between.

I danced and I danced and I danced.

Until I was exquisitely empty.

Think vinyasa, heart openers and chakra dance.

We have shed so many seasons of leaves together, my school friends and I. Some were brown and had to be shaken off. Some were too many and had to be raked up. Some were stained red and needed to be buried in the earth.

But most were yellow, to be danced under.

As I watched the raining leaves, I was reminded of the simple blessing a girlfriend is.
Of how I love to dance with you.

And how fucking fabulous you all are.


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